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Saturday, August 17, 2013

04-29-2013 - Sheila Becker first time ever fly fishing Rocky Rover, OH

The video is of Sheila learning to cast a fly rod. At this point she's about 20 minutes into the lesson and is casting quite well. Sheila came-up empty hand today though she did have a couple opportunities. The fishing conditions were extremely low and clear water, not what you want. She had a couple on briefly but they came off because she didn't know the bite, the hook set little lone fight one. By the end of the day sheila reverted back to her spinning cast at times, but overall Sheila learns fast and soon will be feared by all Steelhead.

This video starts out bad for the first minute or so. There are actually two videos. Video one Sheila is learn to cast and video two demonstrates her spin cast.  And finally, some random photos. I'm looking for the original clips to replace this one, check back soon...

Be sure to check out post "05-01-2013 - Sheila Becker and Jeff Partridge fishing late Spring on the Chagrin River, OH" to see her second steelheadiing adventure where Sheila put on a show...

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