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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tarpon on the Fly

Location: Boca Chica Channel

I spent the first week in June in Key West with George and Linda on their Sea Catamaran. If you can't  read George's 'T' shirt, it says;

Sell Your Stuff
Keep The Dog
Live On A Boat

so that is what they did. I can't thank them enough for their generosity and hospitality and I'm looking forward too the next time.

George has fly fished since I've know him. He has been a long time friend and steelheader from Ohio that I've known forever. We fished Giant Tarpon everyday in the Boca Chica Channel and managed to hook one to three tarpon daily, accept for one day, we were skunked.

Left is a worked over tarpon fly returned to George from a five footer. The 80 lb shock tip is no longer round, it's oval and looked like you worked it over with a hammer. The saltwater tempered hook is straighten and twisted.

Below is a look from the beach of Boca Chica over the flat and the Boca Chica channel beyond. The shadow in the middle is a hooked-up tarpon George battled for 30 or more minutes.

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