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Sunday, August 18, 2013

4-29-2013 - Lamprey Management

For the past couple of years we have been seeing to many Steelhead with Lamprey wounds, makes you wonder how many are killed by Lampreys.  The chemical to control these killers is made only in Europe and the cost is prohibitive as you would imagine.  It was a welcome sight to these biologist at Helen Wyman Hazen Park.  They told us the river conditions were to high to distribute the Lamprey chemical.  I'm told the chemical will not harm or kill fish. Others that it may kill I don't know.

Click here to view D'Arcy Egan's in-depth article for a better understanding how serious this is.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

04-29-2013 - Sheila Becker first time ever fly fishing Rocky Rover, OH

The video is of Sheila learning to cast a fly rod. At this point she's about 20 minutes into the lesson and is casting quite well. Sheila came-up empty hand today though she did have a couple opportunities. The fishing conditions were extremely low and clear water, not what you want. She had a couple on briefly but they came off because she didn't know the bite, the hook set little lone fight one. By the end of the day sheila reverted back to her spinning cast at times, but overall Sheila learns fast and soon will be feared by all Steelhead.

This video starts out bad for the first minute or so. There are actually two videos. Video one Sheila is learn to cast and video two demonstrates her spin cast.  And finally, some random photos. I'm looking for the original clips to replace this one, check back soon...

Be sure to check out post "05-01-2013 - Sheila Becker and Jeff Partridge fishing late Spring on the Chagrin River, OH" to see her second steelheadiing adventure where Sheila put on a show...

5-16-2013 - Anna & Chris new to the sport

We were fishing Big Creek off the Grand River because the main rivers were not fish-able.  This nice ranger pictured below stop to chat and inquired about out fishing licenses.  Chris and Anna were unaware they needed one.  I have to take full blame for this one as it is my responsibility to make sure all clients have a valid fishing licenses and yes, I would have paid their fines.  I explained to the ranger it was my fault and that they honestly didn't know.  He told me he was going to write them a warning only because he believed it was an honest mistake.

Anna, such a joy to fish with and smart I must add, asked if they bought a license online with her iPhone would that work instead of getting a ticket?  We went back to the car and they purchased their licenses and the ranger checked my Guide Permit, which was a 1st time for me since being required by Lake Metroparks.

All day we fish and only land one Steelhead.  Everywhere river we walked-up, we were minutes late getting there only to watch other anglers take over the spots. Maybe we should of walked-down stream instead.

04-20-2013 - Terry Hinkle, Steve Bodnar and Don Harding on Conneaut Creek, OH

Terry Hinkle, Steve Bodnar and Don Harding  from WV chase trout in the mountains of WV and tell me they spend a lot of time on their knees sneaking up on small native fish.  Now they know what  a Manestee Steelhead feels like on the end of their fly rods.  This day we lucked out and were able to get into virgin water, meaning we got to it first.  The guys tore them up all day long, fish after fish.  I lost my Nikon water proof camera somewhere on a 100 feet of water. And after giving up a team effort search, Don spotted it the water next to the bank as we positioned on a couple of Steelhead. For me,  it was the best find of the day.

04-17-2013 - Phillip Chrzan fishing the Chagrin River, OH

 Phillip Chrzan, retired from MI Law Enforcement, may of had his best day Steelheading ever.  We fished the Chagrin and the water started out stained but cleared as the day went on.  It was one of those days where you found eager fish willing to play and play they did. All day we had fish on, landing many and some got away.

05-01-2013 - Sheila Becker and Jeff Partridge fishing late Spring on the Chagrin River, OH

Sheila Becker and Jeff Partridge I teamed up for a fantastic day of fishing. Sheila new to fly fishing and Steelheading, only her second time ever, got the pleasure of fishing with veteran Steelheader Jeff.  Sheila landed her first steelhead today and I don't have to tell you how happy she was. Sheila left mid-afternoon and Jeff and I when upstream on the Chagrin where Jeff had a great time in ripping fast water.

April 8, 2014 - Jim Hamer, Bobby Stamps and Huey White from Marietta, OH fishing Conneaut Creek, OH

All are retired school teachers from Marietta, OH. The guys got into several quality fish today.  Everyone caught multiple fish and one might just be the biggest fish any client has ever landed.  I had to two-hand the net, and I mean the net, to keep from braking it. See the photo with the boot next to the fish.