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Saturday, August 17, 2013

04-20-2013 - Terry Hinkle, Steve Bodnar and Don Harding on Conneaut Creek, OH

Terry Hinkle, Steve Bodnar and Don Harding  from WV chase trout in the mountains of WV and tell me they spend a lot of time on their knees sneaking up on small native fish.  Now they know what  a Manestee Steelhead feels like on the end of their fly rods.  This day we lucked out and were able to get into virgin water, meaning we got to it first.  The guys tore them up all day long, fish after fish.  I lost my Nikon water proof camera somewhere on a 100 feet of water. And after giving up a team effort search, Don spotted it the water next to the bank as we positioned on a couple of Steelhead. For me,  it was the best find of the day.

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